Flashback to April

Shout out to our Kuhsie Duck!!!

When Chris, Kathy, Dennis and I went to the white water center in April to watch the Olympic trials, we didn’t know our little ducking would draw so much attention. Thanks to a Miss Sarah, the article was finally brought to our attention. Our duck is full grown now and living at her pond in Spartanburg for the summer while we are gone.


“Okay, okay … I’m a dog reporter and I thought I was done for the day but then I saw these people walking their … er … duck.
Chris Osborne (left) of Spartanburg, SC and Marisa Serrat of Cleveland, Ohio met at Clemson University and fell in love. Naturally, the next step was to adopt a duckling!

Kuhsie, a magpie duck, goes everywhere with the couple – including kayaking.
Kuhsie will weigh four pounds when she is full grown and have black and white spots. (Kuhsie is German for she cow. )”

2 thoughts on “Flashback to April”

  1. Shoutout

    Hruso | 19/06/2008, 15:03

    Yayayaya I got a shoutout! I found it because I googled your names together…my stalking skills are abounding!

  2. Debbie Mullis (aka Dog Reporter) | 14/07/2008, 23:27

    Hi Chris and Marisa,

    It’s nice to read about your travels across the country especially after our brief encounter at the white water center. Thanks for the link which was a surprise to find. Stay safe and keep making the most of your youth!Say “Hi” to Kuhsie when you see her again.

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